Timing Tools
These tools have mostly been developed around the RACE RESULT 12 API functionality, and so are free for use by any RR12 timer.
Use of these tools is at the user's own risk, as these are not official RACE RESULT tools.

Race Day Check-In

Built to handle race day check-in of pre-registered participants, able to handle individual registration or team registration. Take full control over which fields are shown and editable and on which fields to lookup participants from the event file.

Web Presenter

Similar to the windows-based RACE RESULT Presenter this web based version allows for even further customisation of results displays. Each column can be positioned precisely and sized accordingly allowing for unique displays for your on-site screens.

Race Clock

A simple clock display which can be set from a specified reference point and customised accordig to your personal preferences or available resources.


Visualise on a map where participants are on your course! By using predicted speeds from RACE RESULT 12 and customisable API outputs, this tracking map can be adapted to handle any sort of race, including team multi-lap races.